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International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: 2Compute bvba


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: Viviana Lopes


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: 2Compute bvba


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: 2Compute bvba


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: Viviana Lopes


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: 2Compute bvba


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: Viviana Lopes


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: Viviana Lopes


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: 2Compute bvba


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: Viviana Lopes


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: Charles Strijd


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: Viviana Lopes


International Puppetbuskerfestival – Gent/BE (2009) Photo: Viviana Lopes

“Giselda-S” is a fat ballerina of a meter and a half height, which still young in her fiftys years.  Iniciated her career when in Moscow met one of biggest star of the ballet Bolshoi (which we can not reveal the name). He was the one who taught the first steps of ballet to Giselda-S. Today, after returning from Russia to Portugal, Giselda-S divorced from "one of the biggest stars of the Bolshoi ballet" still dancing in small events of low budget,rehearsing in her time off preferably on Sunday, her day off, because of her work as a cook in a "café" in Lisbon. In the midst of a bizarre atmosphere, Giselda-S marionete is hilarious, and at the same time, sweet and charming, with their splendour lashes, blond hair and pink tones in costumes, slides by linoleum as a real diva of classical ballet, and shows what she learned with "one of the biggest stars of the Bolshoi ballet." Piruets and fall over are part of the performance of Giselda-S, that in moments of pure glamour, embodies the style of famous classical dancers that marked presence on the world stage.
This is an entertainment, categorized as an intervention, which uses the art of puppets, mixed with a comic ballet, in a language of humor and movement. Each performance can range from five to ten minutes in length, and can be performed anywhere, as in the street, stage or in a circus. The puppet is made basically of polyurethane foam, and the manipulation is presented in a still somewhat conventional, but also are used as already known techniques of sticks and direct manipulation. Giselda-S is one more attraction of the performer and puppeteer Alexandre Pring, who also is responsible for the construction of his puppets, objects and scenery, and the whole visual design of their work. As in "Marieta-M", "Xana-X", "Roxana-X" and “Judite-T”, the artist integrate his performance with music and dance of various styles and the manipulation of puppets, using choreographies pre planned or improvised.  The style of Giselda-S is of classical ballet, and therefore are used in its soundtrack, works of the great masters of classical music.

“Giselda-S Performance” was presented at the following events:

"Rassegna di Teatro di Figura Maribur" - Stabio/CH

“International Puppetbuskerfestival” – Gent/BE

“Zomer Internationaal Straattheaterfestival” – Menen e Lauwe/BE​


“Marionetas na Cidade” – Alcobaça/PT


By Alexandre Pring

Translation: Roberto Reveilleau


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